E-LIST 66: Gilded Lilies
I am pleased to offer for sale a garland of Gilded Lilies, which includes: Han's Bellmer's LA POUPÉE, one of 105 copies with 10 gelatin silver photographs; Bonfilis' SOUVENIRS D'ORIENT, with 100 albumen prints; the first photographic identification pass made for the 1876 Centenial in Philadelphia; two vintage photographs by Walter Chappell; an archive of cabinet cards of Frederick S. Dellenbaugh and his associates; an inscribed copy of LES AMÈRICAINS., with a drawing by Robert Frank; a self-portrait by Rauol Hausmann; Victor Landweber's SWEETSTUFF: CANDY POLAROIDS, with 17 POLACOLOR diptychs; Man Ray's ÉLECTRICITÉ from 1931; a salt print of a Philadelphia Fire Fighter from c. 1858; a large group of titles by Frederick Sommer, including his portfolio of signed photogravures, THE BIRTH OF VENUS; a drypoint caricature of Josef Sudek inscribed by him; two artist's books of original gelatin silver photographs made by the mordançage process by Jean-Pierre Sudre; Fox Talbot's ENGLISH ETYMOLOGIES, which he inscribed; Carleton Watkin's YOSEMITE BOOK with 28 large albumen photographs; salesmen's sample books, and other oddities.